Smart platforms for software development
We do this by providing a complete platform for modeling/designing, testing, execution and operation of software applications
This, in turn, opens up a large set of interesting features: improved communication between project members and stakehoders, automated test production, better observability and live tracing, augmented development teams, flow architectures and software at the edge.

Unified model of the application / service
This is, in a way, the user interface WYSIWYG paradigm but translated to entire architecture and application. Using a model based development with strong testing capabilities we enable short and fast iterations, where consistency between model and runtime is 100%.

Efficient software development lifecycle
Our platform mediates all stages, from design to operations. It enables domain experts to write and prototype instead of writing applications, it provides strong testing capabilities (by generating automatically test cases), it helps operations with observability features and live session/message tracing overlayed on the model.
Our Services
Although we are focused on our product, we provide specialized professional services
Adjunct to Nexus AEP
Value added services
Achitecture & Design
Our customers and industries
Ukraine (telecommunications), Austria (telecommunications), Belgium (telecommunications), Romania (telecommunications, healthcare, banking)

Why choose us?
- 01. Experience and expertise
- We build software designed from ground up for performance, availability and change. We have customers in 4 countries in Europe, in telecommunications, healthcare and banking industries.
- 02. Our product - Nexus Application Engine Platform
- Our model based, event driven, fully integrated platform allows to develop fast, automate tests and operate easily your applications.
- 03. Reliability
- We deliver on time and on budget!
- 04. Our engagement process
- We commit ourselves only after we showcase the demo / MVP. We support all costs up to this point.